Saturday, November 29, 2008


our passion bares dark
origin, hungers twinned, skin
claws mouth teeth gnashing

Friday, November 28, 2008

your touch summons braille

your touch summons braille
dolphin secrets break surface
kissing fingertips

Thursday, November 27, 2008

the hole that cannot be filled

need so deep it hurts
a hole that cannot be filled
heart seeks another

wet whispers

your tongue in my ear
wet whispers warm spring showers
stirring sleeping snakes

Monday, November 24, 2008

lungfuls of your scent

lungfuls of your scent
preventative medicine
for winter doldrums

Sunday, November 23, 2008

footsie caresses

Beaujolais with friends
under kotatsu unseen
footsie caresses

haiku or senryu

haiku or senryu
thinking in 5-7-5
tough enough for me


pools like little lakes
pleasure's trace on bodies drained
after the deluge

Saturday, November 22, 2008

what other oceans

so wet, you whispered
what other oceans inside
wait to be undammed?

cruising on Craigslist

cruising on Craigslist
definitely NSA
need only apply

mouth open skyward

mouth open skyward
tongue out, anticipating
fall of warm snow drops

long like legs

bamboo long like legs
swaying, beckoning, open

karaoke room

karaoke room
nomihodai and ballads
lubricating love

Thursday, November 20, 2008

call display

no need to talk when
call display shows your digits
wordless booty call

pleasure does not lie

pleasure does not lie
in the fruit but with the worm
turning as it dreams